GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-20

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
1971/2022 Police Milton Dodson 2 Latchman Careless Driving
793/2023 Police Minawattie Mangal 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
174/2023 Shanieza Indarjali Mohammed Khan 2 Latchman Liability
175/2023 Shanieza Indarjali Mohammed Khan 2 Latchman Liability
175/2023 Shanieza Indarjali Mohammed Khan 2 Latchman Liability
172/2023 Shanieza Indarjali Mohammed Khan 2 Latchman Liability
173/2023 Shanieza Indarjali Mohammed Khan 2 Latchman Liability
123/2023 Police Nichol Peters 2 Latchman Uninsured MV
124/2023 Police Nichol Peters 2 Latchman Uncertified MV
125/2023 Police Nichol Peters 2 Latchman Driving motor vehicle while breath alcohol level exceed the prescribe limit
122/2023 Police Nichol Peters 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
168/2023 Mary Junor Nigel Isaacs 2 Latchman Liability
169/2023 Mary Junor Nigel Isaacs 2 Latchman Liability
986/2022 Police Okifa Wilson 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
97/2022 Police Okifi Wilson 1 Scarce Burglary
125/2023 Sharon Amos Osafo Matherson 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
139/2023 Police Parsram Shivnauth 2 Latchman Driving a motor vehicle while breath alcohol level exceed the prescribe limit
1993/2022 Police Peter Parahoo 1 Scarce Threatening Behaviour
1995/2022 Police Peter Parahoo 1 Scarce Damage to Property
1997/2022 Police Peter Parahoo 1 Scarce Assault
1996/2022 Police Peter Parahoo 1 Scarce Threatening Language
792/2023 Police Rabi Gangaram 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
130/2023 Zaruni Alfred Randolph Alfred 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
130/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdatt 2 Latchman Possession of ammunition without licence
2060/2021 Police Rickford McKenzie 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
1680/2022 Police Rico Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
1681/2022 Police Rico Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
1682/2022 Police Rico Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
1379/2022 Police Rico Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
1678/2022 Police Rico Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
1679/2022 Police Rico Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
2445/2022 Police Robert Raynolds 1 Scarce Threatening Language
2475/2022 Police Robert Reynolds 1 Scarce Abusive Language
584/2023 Police Rudolp Ogle 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
799/2023 Police Sanjay Seecharran 2 Latchman Simple Larceny
343/2022 Police Seon Caesar c/d Ratty 1 Scarce Murder in course of furtherance of robbery
127/2023 Police Shamir Barker 2 Latchman Abusive Language
128/2023 Police Shamir Barker 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2970/2021 Police Shanika Gran 1 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
2970/2021 Police Shanika Gran 1 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
94/2022 Somal Sahai Shevfern Allison Parris 2 Latchman Claims
2971/2021 Police Vikta Rhobe 1 Scarce Unlawful Wounding
788/2023 Police Alex Ferreira 1 Scarce Assault
12/2023 Roshenie Sookhoo Apoliana Gonsalves 2 Latchman Possession
384/2022 Police Aubrey Williams 2 Latchman Murder
789/2023 Police Basdeo Persaud 1 Scarce Assault causing Actual Bodily Harm
2602/2021 Police Coleen Campbell 2 Latchman Larceny by clerk or servant
2/2023 Bibi Rafiah Alli Dane Bobb 2 Latchman Claims
50/2023 Latoya Manson Dennis Hopkinson 2 Latchman Affiliation
51/2023 Latoya Manson Dennis Hopkinson 2 Latchman Affiliation
787/2023 Police Dennis Mansook 1 Latchman Threatening Language
790/2023 Police Dennis Mansook 1 Scarce Damage to Property
146/2023 Tracy Bedlow- Archer Deon Calder 1 Scarce Affiliation
91/2023 Michelle Khan Devanand Constantine 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
383/2022 Police Dianand Lakhan 2 Latchman Murder
515/2022 Sonya Dawson Ezekiel Dawson 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
142/2023 Shauloon Morgan James Abrams 1 Scarce Affiliation
143/2023 Shauloon Morgan James Abrams 1 Scarce Affiliation
783/2023 Police Jason Harry 1 Scarce Assault
784/2023 Police Jason Harry 1 Scarce Threatening Language
776/2023 Police Joel Haynes 1 Scarce Assault
52/2023 Selwin Alfred Kayren Felix 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
78/2023 Vedavati Alli Latchman Persaud 2 Latchman Variation (Increase)
2376/2022 Police Lester Greaves 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
436/2022 Police Looknauth Dharandin 2 Latchman Possession of ammunition without licence
2582/2022 Police Mark Anthony Simon 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
673/2023 Police Marlon Hannibal 2 Latchman Unlicensed Driver
96/2023 Shauna Leitch Marlon Leitch 2 Latchman Variation (Increase)
2599/2022 Police Mike Millington 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2245/2022 Police Nandalall Lall 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2/2023 Charywane Chan Neimayer Brown 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
125/2023 Sharon Amos Osafo Matherson 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
1638/2022 Police Quincy Abrams 2 Latchman Attempt to commit murder
145/2023 Aleah Francis Ramnarine Singh 1 Scarce Affiliation
2598/2022 Police Raviendra Rayhoo 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
137/2023 Police Rehanna Shivnandan 2 Latchman Robbery with aggravation
2725/2021 Police Richard Blackman 1 Scarce Careless Driving
46/2023 Sabarina Singh Richard Lewis 2 Latchman Liability
785/2023 Police Robert Sandy 1 Scarce Threatening Language
786/2023 Police Robert Sandy 1 Scarce Damage to Property
144/2023 Tashika Nelson Rodwell Maynard 1 Scarce Affiliation
2007/2022 Police Ron Singh 1 Scarce Making loud and continuous noise
848/2022 Police Ronaldo Ramalhoc c/d Shamar 2 Latchman Attempt to commit murder
11/2023 Roshenie Sookhoo Ryan Gonsalves 2 Latchman Possession
2565/2021 Police Selwyn Tullen 1 Scarce Using a computer system to humiliate a person
2634/2022 Police Sherwin Scipio 2 Latchman Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
435/2022 Police Trevor Ellis 2 Latchman Possession of ammunition without licence
2059/2022 Police Yochanna Belgin 1 Scarce Robbery with Violence
640/2023 Police Ziggy Ford 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
117/2023 Esan Alan Mangra Alicia Samaroo Lowe 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
2226/2022 Police Anand Haripersaud 1 Scarce Abusive Language
2227/2022 Police Anand Haripersaud 1 Scarce Provoke breach of the peace
120/2023 Geeta Persaud Andy Kortwright 1 Scarce Variation (Discharge)
2636/2022 Police Anil McTurk 1 Scarce Larceny in a dwelling house
184/2023 Ulene Newton Anthony Carl Primo 1 Scarce Variation (Discharge)
185/2023 Ulene Newton Anthony Carl Primo 1 Scarce Liability
81/2023 Police Anthony Chung 2 Latchman Damage to Property
24/2023 Collecting Officer Diamond/ Golden Grove Magistrates' Court Arun Lakeram 1 Scarce Arrest Warrant
178/2023 Police Bibi Sharina Abraham 1 Scarce Obtaining by false pretence
177/2023 Police Bibi Sharina Abraham 1 Scarce Obtaining by false pretence