GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-20

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
2336/2022 Police Michael Crawford 2 Latchman Careless Driving
1378/2022 Police Nanda Singh 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
2000/2022 Police Nazim Taylor 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
2125/2022 Police Nicholas Evon Chase 1 Scarce Fraudulent Conversion
2115/2022 Police Quebert Elgin 2 Latchman Larceny in a dwelling house
1867/2022 Police Randy Sandy 1 Scarce Abusive Language
175/2023 Police Robin Austin 2 Latchman Assault
2614/2022 Police Robin Austin 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2613/2022 Police Robin Austin 2 Latchman Assault
2424/2022 Police Roy Bakker 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2430/2022 Police Roy Bakker 2 Latchman Unlicensed Driver
1577/2022 Police Satesh Ally 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
641/2023 Police Shivon Adams 2 Latchman Larceny in a dwelling house
2455/2022 Police Travis Dennis 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2504/2021 Police Tyrone McRae 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
771/2023 Police Vishal Danram 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual bodily Harm
772/2023 Police Vishal Danram 2 Latchman Threatening Language
158/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Attempt to commit a felony to wit burglary
25/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Bascom 1 Scarce Affiliation
27/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
28/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
26/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
2512/2023 Police Ashook Aaron 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2511/2022 Police Ashook Aaron 2 Latchman Threatening Language
121/2023 Bibi Hack Christopher Jeboo 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
635/2023 Police Cleon Lespair 2 Latchman Discharging a loaded within a 100 yard of public way
607/2023 Police Colin Isaacs 2 Latchman Fail to confirm to sign
2321/2022 Police Denzil Melville 2 Latchman Transporting of live animal (birds) within Guyana
134/2023 Haimwattie Narine Deon Narine 1 Scarce Liability
135/2023 Haimwattie Narine Deon Narine 1 Scarce Liability
136/2023 Haimwattie Narine Deon Narine 1 Scarce Liability
115/2023 Police Dester Hoppie 2 Latchman Assault
608/2023 Police Diyodhon Ramkirit 2 Latchman Negligently interrupt the free flow of traffic
609/2023 Police Diyodhon Ramkirit 2 Latchman Failing to confirm to sign
2507/2022 Police Gladston Ray Branford 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
129/2023 Nini Welch Heaon Welch 1 Scarce Liability
766/2023 Police Hussain Bacchus 2 Latchman Careless Driving
137/2023 Lashawana Pollydore Jamal Hooper 1 Scarce Liability
122/2023 Sharmela Douglas Jason Harry 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
2456/2022 Police Jean Farrier 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2457/2022 Police Jean Farrier 2 Latchman Damage to Property
257/2022 Rhonda Hinds Shamsudeen Jessica Quintero 1 Scarce Enlarge and altered a building without prior approval in writing
85/2023 Police Jonny Griffin 2 Latchman Careless Driving
767/2023 Police Joseph McPherson 2 Latchman Careless Driving
2581/2022 Police Kevin Chandiprasad 2 Latchman Abusive Language
86/2023 Tuyanna Mingo Kevin Lynch 2 Latchman Affiliation
765/2023 Police Kevon Cummings 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
638/2021 Police Kristoff Stoll 1 Scarce Murder
638/2021 Police Kristoff Stoll 1 Scarce Murder
764/2023 Police Kumar Kadirwall 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
425/2023 Police Kumar Lacrusez 2 Latchman Abusive Language
424/2023 Police Kumar Lacrusez 2 Latchman Assault
63/2023 Odessa McGregor Welch Lenvyn Welch 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
2376/2022 Police Lester Greaves 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2188/2022 Police Lindon David 2 Latchman Careless Driving
103/2023 Police Lisa Giddings 2 Latchman Abusive Language
157/2023 Police Manuraj Adnarine 2 Latchman Attempt to commit a felony to wit Burglary
2461/2022 Police Margaret Haynes 2 Latchman Assault
38/2023 Police Marvin Senarine 1 Scarce Robbery with Violence
1477/2022 Police Natasha Edwards 2 Latchman Using a computer system to cause damage to the reputation of another person
1928/2022 Police Natasha Edwards 2 Latchman using a computer system to humiliate a person
70/2023 Lenvyn Welch Odessa McGregor Welch 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
986/2022 Police Okifi Wilson 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
987/2022 Police Okifi Wilson 1 Scarce Burglary
132/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Discharging a firearm within 1oo yards of public
133/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Threatening Behaviour
130/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Possession of ammunition without licence
131/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Possession of firearm without licence
701/2022 Police Ray Anthony Persaud 2 Latchman Possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking
763/2023 Police Rodrick Derick Henry 2 Latchman Careless Driving
2264/2022 Police Ronaldo Bermudez 1 Scarce Damage to Property
2052/2022 Police Ryan Gobin 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
762/2023 Police Samuel Thomas 2 Latchman Careless Driving
768/2023 Police Seon Robinson 2 Latchman Breach of condition of road service licence
656/2023 Police Shawne Lim 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
656/2023 Police Shawne Lim 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
657/2023 Police Shawne Lim 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
658/2023 Police Shawne Lim 2 Latchman causing death by dangerous driving
784/2023 Police Simon Khanoo 2 Latchman Careless Driving
49/2023 Yonell Loncke Travis Pole 1 Latchman Affiliation
769/2023 Police Troy Joseph 1 Scarce Threatening Behaviour
770/2023 Police Troy Joseph 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2960/2021 Police Zibeon Williams 1 Scarce Murder
2960/2021 Police Zibeon Williams 1 Scarce Murder
109/2023 Feneeza Nazir Abdool Faraz Haniff 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
858/2021 Police Alwin Carter 1 Scarce Manslaughter
105/2023 Police Azikwe Jackson 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
1966/2022 Police Chandrika Mannie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
697/2023 Police Christopher Gill 1 Scarce Threatening Behaviour
55/2023 Police Daniel Evans 1 Scarce Abusive Language
2255/2022 Police Deon Inlall 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
53/2023 Police Desmond Lallbeharry 1 Scarce Abusive Language
758/2023 Police Errol Harry 2 Latchman Abusive Language
761/2023 Police Esan Mangra 2 Latchman Assault
759/2023 Police Fidel Shaw 2 Latchman Abusive Language
135/2023 Police Florance Heeraman 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2884/2021 Police Jairam Lall 2 Latchman Provoke breach of the peace
755/2023 Police Jermaine Daily 2 Latchman Attempt to commit a felony
207/2023 Police Joshua Sam c/d Joshua Seegobin 2 Latchman Robbery under Arms
620/2023 Police Junior Bann 2 Latchman Robbery under Arms