GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-18

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
305/2024 Lene Gobin Vickram Gobin 2 Latchman Maintenance
307/2024 Police Akely Freeman 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
267/2024 Mark Moore Alana Seemore 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
2612/2023 Police Alex Simpson 1 Scarce Robbery Under Arms
323/2024 Decheada A. Holder Alex Singh Bess Domestic violence
1215/2024 Police Bilhard Alexander Bess Uninsured Motor Vehicle
1213/2024 Police Bilhard Alexander Bess Unlicensed Motoe Vehicle
1216/2024 Police Bilhard Alexander Bess Restriction in the use of handheld mobile Telephone while driving
787/2024 Police Daniel De Abrue 1 Scarce Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm
320/2024 Keisha James Dellon Phil 2 Latchman Affiliation
2611/2023 Police Delon George 1 Scarce Robbery Under Arms
1002/2023 Police Devindra Moteeram c/d Richard 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2243/2023 Police Dhanrajie Austin 2 Latchman Provoke Breach of Peace
2244/2023 Police Hansraji Austin 2 Latchman Threatening Behavior
32/2024 Tamear Amsterdam Ian Amsterdam 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
1886/2023 Police Isiah Simpson 1 Scarce Robbery
413/2024 Tiffany Samuels Leon James Bess Liability
412/2024 Tiffany Samuels Leon James Bess Liability
319/2024 Trenton Bernard Marva Bernard Latchman Domestic Violence
1214/2024 Police Rolston Kennedy Bess Break and Enter and Larceny
669/2024 Police Saleem Haditulah Bess Careless Driving
1793/2023 Police Samatha Bacchus Deterville 2 Latchman Careless driving
1364/2023 Police Shawn McKintryo 2 Latchman Simple Larceny
324/2024 Onika Persaud Shawne Junior Spencer Bess Domestic Voilence
2498/2023 Police Aaron December 2 Latchman Possession of Narcotic for the Purpose of Trafficking
1132/2024 Police Andre James Bess Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of Trafficking
1062/2024 Police Aramann Aly 1 Scarce Threatening Language
289/2024 Samantha Ramdanie Carl Methuram Bess Domestic Violence
1175/2024 Police Daniel Simpson Bess Dangerous Driving
1128/2024 Police Daniel Simpson Bess Threatening Language
2930/2021 Police Delon Wilson 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
440/2024 Shawnette Fordyce Dennis Fordyce 2 Latchman Liability
443/2024 Tanza Scipio Dillon Wishart 2 Latchman Liability
1313/2024 Police Hakiuu Boiven Bess Breach of Protection Order
1314/2024 Police Hakiuu Boiven Bess Breach of Protection Order
47/2024 Faye Allison Chase as the Executrix of the Estate of Noel Jarvis Juneann Hyles 1 Scarce Possession
306/2024 Ronesha Cornelius Orsel Freeman Bess Domestic Violence
321/2024 Ashely James Rayon James 2 Latchman Maintenance
123/2024 Renuka Persaud Rene Boodhoo 2 Latchman Affiliation
389/2024 Diane Ibrahim Ronald Newton Bess Affliction
430/2024 Bibi Khan Seeram Mohamed 2 Latchman Liability
431/2024 Bibi Khan Seeram Mohamed 2 Latchman Liability
1122/2024 Police Wilmont Atkinson 2 Latchman Burglary
1342/2024 Police Nekaybow Emptage Bess Assault
326/2024 Vickram Gobin Andy Gobin 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
2029/2020 Police Candacy Wolfe 1 Scarce Manslaughter
1341/2024 Police Cornell Pitt Bess Simple Larceny
2030/2020 Police Courtney Wolfe 1 Scarce Manslaughter
2031/2020 Police Curt Mingo 1 Scarce Manslaughter
1340/2024 Police Davion Sears Bess Receive Stolen Article
1955/2022 Police Devon Patterson 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1376/2022 Police Duane Joseph 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
1562/2023 Police Eon Peters 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
2329/2023 Police Gordon Braithwaite 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2328/2023 Police Gordon Braithwaite 1 Scarce Unlawful Wounding
2847/2021 Police Jonathan Daveman 1 Scarce Possession of Ammunition without licence
2848/2021 Police Jonathan Daveman 1 Scarce Possession of firearm without licence
1109/2024 Police Justin Mohamed Bess Dangerous Driving
1377/2022 Police Kenneth Harris 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
1009/2024 Police Kenrick Brathwaite Bess Abusive Language
2331/2023 Police Leon Peters 1 Scarce Unlawful Wounding
1946/2023 Police Lyndon Dorway 1 Scarce Exposure of Genitals
311/2024 Keisha Ramdeholl Mark Anthony Layne 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
1346/2024 Police Marlon Chichester Bess Uninsured Motor Vehicle
1347/2024 Police Marlon Chichester Bess Breach of Condition of the Provisional
322/2024 Leah Emanuel Michael Emanuel 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
670/2024 Police Montell Sardina Bess Dangerous Driving
2153/2023 Police Muriel Sheppard Singh 1 Scarce Using A Computer System to Humiliate a Person
2154/2023 Police Muriel Sheppard Singh 1 Scarce Using a Computer System to Humiliate a person.
1378/2022 Police Nanda Singh 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
1344/2024 Police Nekagrow Emptage Bess Abusive Language
2116/2020 Police Partick Baird 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1343/2024 Police Scott Emptage Bess ACABOL
1345/2024 Police Scott Emptage Bess Abusive Language
1336/2024 Police Seeram Mohamed Bess Unlawful Wounding
1561/2023 Police Seon Simon 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
1956/2022 Police Shamar Christian 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1348/2024 Police Tiffany Castello Bess Dangerous Driving
1349/2024 Police Tiffany Castello Bess Dangerous Driving
1349/2024 Police Tiffany Castello Bess Unlicensed Motor vehicle
517/2022 Police Trenton Bernard 1 Scarce Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
2079/2023 Police Troy Humphrey 1 Scarce Malicious damage to property
2340/2023 Police Vishnu Mungal 1 Scarce Obtaining Money by False Pretense
2044/2023 Police Walter Scott 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2045/2023 Police Walter Scott 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2046/2023 Police Walter Scott 1 Scarce Throwing Missile
2035/2023 Police Walter Scott c/d Coach 1 Scarce Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm
1054/2024 Police Brian Stephens Bess Robbery Under Arms
1064/2024 Police Chris Pollard Bess Robbery Under Arms
1053/2024 Police Claudius James Bess Robbery Under Arms
2434/2023 Police Danmattie Alli 2 Latchman Threatening Language
487/2024 Police Dawn Wharton 2 Latchman Abusive Language
488/2024 Police Dawn Wharton 2 Latchman Abusive Language
1459/2023 Police Dinesh Ramsingh 2 Latchman Uninsured Motor Vehicle
1497/2023 Police Dinesh Ramsingh 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
1462/2023 Police Dinesh Ramsingh 2 Latchman Driving under the influence of alcohol
1866/2023 Police Jamael Thom 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1065/2024 Police Jamel Wayne called Dada Bess Robbery Under Arms
275/2024 Delleika Winter Johann Abrams 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
492/2024 Police Makela Phillips 2 Latchman Abusive Language