GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-20

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
1666/2022 Police Keion Hope 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
811/2023 Police Kester Andrews 2 Latchman Attempt to commit murder
773/2023 Police Linden Soloman 2 Latchman Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
773/2023 Police Linden Soloman 2 Latchman Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
773/2023 Police Linden Soloman 2 Latchman Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
2464/2022 Police Naresh Bechan 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2464/2022 Police Naresh Bechan 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
200/2023 Police Paul Musea 2 Latchman Failing to wear seat belt
199/2023 Police Paul Musea 2 Latchman Careless Driving
718/2023 Police Rawle Carroll 2 Latchman Careless Driving
701/2022 Police Ray Anthony Persaud 2 Latchman Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
528/2022 Police Razeem Ibrahim 2 Latchman Careless Driving
2242/2020 Police Shaquille Henry 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
1212/2021 Police Sharon O'Neil 2 Latchman Attempt to prevent the course of justice
575/2023 Police Winston Adams 2 Latchman Disorderly Behaviour
1665/2022 Police Yonette Bobb Semple 2 Latchman Permitting breach of the peace
546/2023 Police Zehran Nieuenkirk 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
823/2023 Police Alistair Lumelino 2 Latchman Breach of Insurance
822/2023 Police Alistair Lumelino 2 Latchman Unlicensed Driver
824/2023 Police Andre Lumelino 2 Latchman Permitting unlicensed driver
81/2023 Police Anthony Chung 2 Latchman Damage to Property
81/2023 Police Anthony Chung 2 Latchman Damage to Property
189/2023 Police Chris Charles 2 Latchman Breach of insurance
850/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
848/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
849/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
936/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Attempt to commit a felony
1542/2022 Police Dhan Shamraj 2 Latchman Using a computer system to intimidate another person
757/2023 Police Fidel Shaw 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2143/2022 Police Germain Williams 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2143/2022 Police Germain Williams 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
83/2023 Police Kennard Ramah 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
83/2023 Police Kennard Ramah 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2023/2022 Police Leroy Mitchell 2 Latchman Unlicensed motor vehicle
149/2023 Police Marlon Adams 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
689/2022 Police Ravon Clarke 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2465/2023 Police Renaldo Ruiz 2 Latchman Unlicensed Driver
2589/2021 Police Renaldo Ruiz 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
2466/2021 Police Renaldo Ruiz 2 Latchman Breach of Insurance
690/2022 Police Richard Habbiulla 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
372/2021 Police Ruel Williams 2 Latchman Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
372/2021 Police Ruel Williams 2 Latchman Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
666/2023 Police Sean Liverpool 2 Latchman Threatening Language
373/2021 Police Sherbert Williams 2 Latchman Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
103/2022 Police Sherod Duncan 2 Latchman Using a computer system to humiliate a person
757/2023 Police Sohodri Sahadeo 2 Latchman Threatening Behaviour
757/2023 Police Sohodri Sahadeo 2 Latchman Threatening Behaviour
2608/2022 Police Aaliya Evans 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2609/2022 Police Aaliya Evans 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
2609/2022 Police Aaliya Evans 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
2607/2022 Police Aaliya Evans 2 Latchman Assault
162/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
162/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
164/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
166/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
170/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
170/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
160/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
160/2023 Police Andrea Calender 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2637/2022 Police Augustine Klass 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
1966/2022 Police Chandrika Mannie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
1966/2022 Police Chandrika Mannie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
1966/2022 Police Chandrika Mannie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
171/2023 Police Daveraj Ramlakhan 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2929/2021 Police Delon Wilson 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
687/2023 Police Devon Ornalo Rose 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1015/2023 Police Donrick Issaacs 2 Latchman Careless Driving
197/2023 Elton Peters Ersella Benjamin 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
944/2023 Police Fengshun Liang 2 Latchman Overstaying of person in Guyana
944/2023 Police Fengshun Liang 2 Latchman Overstaying of person in Guyana
944/2023 Police Fengshun Liang 2 Latchman Overstaying of person in Guyana
135/2023 Police Florance Heeraman 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2930/2021 Police Gangadeo Sridat 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
2930/2021 Police Gangadeo Sridat 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
94/2023 Police Javid Ragnauth 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
95/2023 Police Javid Ragnauth 2 Latchman Abusive Language
92/2023 Police Javid Ragnauth 2 Latchman Assault
93/2023 Police Javid Ragnauth 2 Latchman Abusive Language
667/2023 Police Kevin Singh 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
47/2022 Police Leon Bernette 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
47/2022 Police Leon Bernette 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
1012/2023 Police Leroy Goriah 2 Latchman Driving under the influence of alcohol
169/2023 Police Manraj Adnarine 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
161/2023 Police Manraj Adnarine 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
163/2023 Police Manuraj Adnarine 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
165/2023 Police Manuraj Adnarine 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
159/2023 Police Manuraj Adnarine 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2004/2022 Police Marlon Hunte 2 Latchman Murder
2004/2022 Police Marlon Hunte 2 Latchman Murder
1014/2023 Police Melame Hubbard 2 Latchman Careless Driving
79/2023 Police Muriel Singh 2 Latchman Provoke breach of the peace
199/2023 Asmaa Ally Naresh Dookram 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
624/2023 Police Nicholas Chow 2 Latchman Abusive Language
196/2023 Dharmramdai Sancharra Ray Gordon 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
2117/2022 Police Rhyon Headley 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
46/2023 Sabarina Singh Richard Lewis 2 Latchman Liability
625/2023 Police Rovindra Persaud 2 Latchman Threatening Language
625/2023 Police Rovindra Persaud 2 Latchman Threatening Language
1016/2023 Police Seon Brown 2 Latchman Simple Larceny
1016/2023 Police Seon Brown 2 Latchman Simple Larceny