GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-21

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
1027/2023 Police Travern Wilson 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1028/2023 Police Travern Wilson 2 Latchman Uncertified Motor Vehicle
1029/2023 Police Travern Wilson 2 Latchman Unlicensed Motor Vehicle
979/2023 Police Waylon Jordon 2 Latchman Rape
2960/2021 Police Zibion Williams 1 Scarce Murder
231/2023 Naipaul Jeffrey Andrey Narine 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
133/2023 Police Asif Ali 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
279/2023 Alicia Valenzuela Bharat Kellaman 1 Scarce Affiliation
280/2023 Alicia Valenzuela Bharat Kellaman 1 Scarce Affiliation
828/2023 Police Brayan Gonzalez Rodigeez 1 Scarce Threatening Behavior
829/2023 Police Brayan Gonzalez Rodigeez 1 Scarce Abusive language
830/2023 Police Brayan Gonzalez Rodigeez 1 Scarce Abusive language
831/2023 Police Brayan Gonzalez Rodigeez 1 Scarce Threatening behavior
2523/2022 Police Carloyn Yorric 1 Scarce Threatening Language
2605/2022 Police Chelsica Fransocia aka Chelesica Francois 1 Scarce Using a computer system to transmit electronic data
1107/2023 Police Clarence Boston 2 Latchman Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
936/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Attempt to commit a felony
848/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
849/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
850/2023 Police Denzil Bentick 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
1701/2022 Police Donauth Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
227/2020 Police Edley Kennedy Jacobs 1 Scarce Manslaughter
804/2023 Police Ezra Den Hart 1 Scarce Assault
679/2023 Police Gregory Cacruz 1 Scarce Damage of property
680/2023 Police Gregory Cacruz 1 Scarce Assault causing actual bodily harm
2289/2022 Police Gregory Ward 1 Scarce Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
208/2023 Police Jermaine Mosley 2 Latchman Setting fire to a building
98/2023 Katherine Fraser Jesus Moreno 1 Scarce Affiliation
115/2023 Katherine Fraser Jesus Moreno 1 Scarce Affiliation
113/2023 Katherine Fraser Jesus Moreno 1 Scarce Affiliation
114/2023 Police Jesus Moreno 1 Scarce Affiliation
317/2023 Police John Maynard 2 Latchman Apprehension warrant
1011/2023 Police Joshua Thomas 2 Latchman murder in the course or furtherance of a robbery
2603/2022 Police Joy Speirs 1 Scarce Using a computer system to transmit electronic data
283/2023 Police Keith Lindo 1 Scarce ACABH
1932/2021 Police Kenroy Marcus 2 Latchman Murder
819/2023 Police Khemraj Ram 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
820/2023 Police Khemraj Ram 1 Scarce Break and Enter Building with intent to commit a felony
919/2023 Police Kim Ali 1 Scarce Attempt to excite hostility on the ground of race
716/2023 Police Kittindy Glasgow 1 Scarce Assault
172/2023 Police Lerone Prince c/d Longman 1 Scarce Exposure of Genitals
103/2023 Police Lisa Giddings 2 Latchman Abusive language
1246/202 Police Mahesh Persaud 1 Scarce Assault
1247/2023 Police Malcom Corria 1 Scarce Disturbing tenant peaceful enjoyment
1248/2023 Police Malcom Corria 1 Scarce Disturbing tenant peaceful enjoyment
1249/2023 Police Malcom Corria 1 Scarce Abusive Language
2447/2022 Police Mark Emmanuel Glasgow 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
41/2023 Allan Samuels Mary Chacon 1 Scarce Affiliation
42/2023 Allan Samuels Mary Chacon 1 Scarce Affiliation
43/2023 Allan Samuels Mary Chacon 1 Scarce Affiliation
1014/2023 Police Melame Hubbard 2 Latchman Careless driving
659/2022 Patrick Rose Michelle Rose 1 Scarce Variation (Discharge)
1928/2022 Police Natasha Edwards 2 Latchman Using a computer system to humiliate a person
283/2023 Majeed Khan Pamela Gordon 1 Scarce Variation (Discharge)
643/2023 Police Phillip Kattow 2 Latchman Robbery under arms
225/2023 Stacy Edan Randy Jordan 2 Latchman Liability
642/2023 Police Ronaldo Smith 2 Latchman Robbery under arms
741/2023 Police Rosana Jiaram 1 Scarce Damage to Property
592/2023 Police Roy Norton 1 Scarce Possession of firearm without licence
591/2023 Police Roy Norton 1 Scarce Possession of ammunition without licence
686/2023 Police Roy Rho 1 Scarce Threatening language
197/2023 Police Savitri Persaud 1 Scarce Abusive language
2604/2022 Police Shane Bagot 1 Scarce Using a computer system to transmit electronic data
1250/2023 Police Shemane Shortt 1 Scarce Abusive Language
1864/2022 Police Stravo Evans 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1863/2022 Police Stravo Evans 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1060/2023 Police Vanessa McCrae 1 Scarce Larceny in dwelling house
2324/2023 Police Waldron DeJonge 1 Scarce Threatening language
2325/2022 Police Waldron DeJonge 1 Scarce Assault
975/2023 Police Abraham Baretto 2 Latchman Attempt to commit murder
1242/2023 Police Alex Gonsalves 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
129/2023 Police Andre Ramcharran 2 Latchman Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
1146/2020 Police Anthony Johnson 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1148/2020 Police Anthony Johnson 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
795/2023 Police Asif Ali 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
795/2023 Police Asif Ali 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
796/2023 Police Asif Ali 2 Scarce Unlawful Wounding
794/2023 Police Asif Ali 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
1245/2023 Police Austin Raphael c/d Sam 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
25/2023 Latchmin Shivnauth and Bridgelall Shivnauth Chris Singh 1 Scarce Claims
1239/2023 Police Crevon Whyte 2 Latchman Threatening Language
1240/2023 Police Crevon Whyte 2 Latchman Assault
577/2023 Police Daniel Phoenix 2 Latchman Assault
1244/2023 Police Dharshan Sarwan 2 Latchman Simple Larceny
1376/2022 Police Duane Joseph 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
77/2023 Police Dwayne Thomas c/d Dwayno 1 Scarce Murder
1145/2020 Police Godfrey Lynch 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1147/2020 Police Godfrey Lynch 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
2229/2023 Police Hubert Adams 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1724/2022 Police Joel Adolph 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
900/2023 Police Jonathan Burnette 2 Latchman Abusive Language
976/2023 Police Jorman Baretto 2 Latchman Attempt to commit murder
1377/2022 Police Kenneth Harris 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
902/2023 Police Keron DeFreitas 2 Latchman Larceny of Poultry
917/2023 Police Krishnadat Raghunandan 1 Scarce Damage to Property
638/2021 Police Kristoff Stoll 1 Scarce Murder
873/2023 Police Lakeram Persaud 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
773/2023 Police Linen Soloman 2 Latchman Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
438/2022 Police Looknauth Dharandin 2 Latchman Possession of firearm without licence
436/2022 Police Looknauth Dharandin 2 Latchman Possession of ammunition without licence