GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-19

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
2174/2022 Police Tishola Powers 2 Latchman Threatening Behaviour
2175/2022 Police Tishola Powers 2 Latchman Threatening Language
2176/2022 Police Tishola Powers 2 Latchman Provoke breach of the peace
2177/2022 Police Tishola Powers 2 Latchman Provoke breach of the peace
2045/2022 Police Tyreek Bougea 2 Latchman Burglary
2046/2022 Police Tyreek Bougea 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
2044/2022 Police Tyreek Bougea 2 Latchman Simple Larceny
1807/2022 Police Andy Mc Garrell 2 Latchman Permitting Breach of Insurance
2929/2021 Police Delon Wilson 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
1547/2022 Police Derrick Edwards 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2440/2021 Evanson Wills Officer of Customs Devon James 2 Latchman Trafficking in Narcotic
1816/2022 Police Devon London 2 Latchman Uncertify Motor Vehicle
1817/2022 Police Devon London 2 Latchman Breach of Insurance
1705/2022 Police Doman Swamy 2 Latchman dangerous Driving
1758/2022 Police Falisha Barakat 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2930/2021 Police Gangadeo Sridat 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
1494/2022 Police Jaryd Yhap 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1659/2022 Police Kevon Kennard 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2438/2021 Evanson Wills Officer of Customs Malika Lambert 2 Latchman Trafficking in Narcotic
1757/2022 Police Neil Martin 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1812/2022 Police Nirmala McGarrell 2 Latchman Unlicensed Hirecar Driver
1813/2022 Police Nirmala McGarrell 2 Latchman Breach of Insurance
367/2022 Collin Chichester Paul 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
2439/2021 Evanson Wills Officer of Customs Rachiel Moore 2 Latchman Trafficking in Narcotic
353/2022 Shenella Hayles Royden Fields 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
324/2022 Naline Bushram Rudolph Muslmony 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
1660/2022 Police Ryan Morgan 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1694/2022 Police Satesh Ramdhanie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
1695/2022 Police Satesh Ramdhanie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
363/2022 Police Sherlock Haynes 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1968/2022 Police Terrence Playter 2 Liverpool Dangerous Driving
2928/2021 Police Terry Milling 2 Latchman Conspiracy to commit a felony
1669/2022 Police Alberto Atkinson 1 Scarce using a computer system to humiliate a person
1668/2022 Police Alberto Atkinson 1 Scarce using a computer system to harass a person
1299/2022 Police Ambrosius Phillips 2 Latchman Interfering with the functioning of a computer
1684/2022 Police Christal Williams 1 Scarce Receiving stolen Articles
2866/2021 Police Cleveland Pollard 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
1685/2022 Police Curtis Vonsamcellas 1 Scarce Receiving stolen articles
1152/2022 Police Delroy Ogle 2 Latchman Dangerous driving
1758/2021 Police Deon Kallicharran 1 Scarce Assault causing actual bodily harm
1753/2021 Police Deon Kallicharran 1 Scarce Threatening language
1754/2021 Police Deon Kallicharran 1 Scarce Threatening language
1755/2021 Police Deon Kallicharran 1 Scarce Unlawfully wounding
1756/2021 Police Deon Kallicharran 1 Scarce Unlawfully wounding
383/2022 Melissa Leacock Deon Martin 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
1548/2022 Police Dervon Semple 2 Latchman Corrupt Transaction with agent
2006/2022 Police Dionne Lowe 1 Scarce Fraudulent Conversion
1745/2022 Police Dravid Raganandan 1 Scarce Attempt to commit murder
1151/2022 Police Dwayne Layne 2 Latchman Dangerous driving
377/2022 Mirian Mc Rae Glysis Mingo 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
1573/2022 Police Herman Williams 2 Latchman Assault
2543/2021 Police Jason Harry 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
1733/2022 Police Jason Harry 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
1737/2022 Police Jason Harry 1 Scarce Simple larceny
574/2022 Tina Persaud Jermaine Thompson 1 Scarce Maintenance
1736/2022 Police Jomaine Watson 1 Scarce Unlawful Possession of firearm
1738/2022 Police Jomaine Watson 1 Scarce Simple larceny
1788/2022 Police Joshua Shortt 1 Scarce Rape of a child under sixteen years
2113/2022 Patrick Tulsie Judy Tulsie 1 Scarce Insanity
598/2022 Marlyn Grant Gonsalves Julian Gonsalves 1 Scarce Liability
376/2022 Police Kareem Richmond 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
198/2022 Police Kester Campbell 1 Scarce Assault
199/2022 Police Kester Campbell 1 Scarce Threatening behaviour
328/2022 Tekvati Sugrim Kumar Sugrim 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
1356/2022 Police Malcolm Vrquhart 1 Scarce Threatening language
1354/2022 Police Malcolm Vrquhart 1 Scarce Abusive language
1860/2022 Police Mario Hughes 2 Latchman simple larceny
1859/2022 Police Mark Singh 2 Latchman Simple larceny
1855/2022 Police Mark Singh c/d Buju 2 Latchman Burglary
1856/2022 Police Mark Singh c/d Buju 2 Latchman Discharging a loaded firearm with intent
1858/2022 Police Mark Singh c/d Buju 2 Latchman Burglary
384/2022 Shirley Sattaur Marlon Salvador 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
385/2022 Semone Singh Radesh Singh 1 Singh Domestic Violence
1857/2022 Police Ramnarine Singh c/d Gallo 2 Latchman Discharging a loaded firearm with intent
1412/2022 Police Randolph Perreira 2 Latchman Abusive language
1735/2022 Police Randy Fraser 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
1739/2022 Police Randy Fraser 1 Scarce simple larceny
1748/2022 Police Rawle Antonio Blake 2 Latchman Dangerous driving
1749/2022 Police Rawle Antonio Blake 2 Latchman Unlicensed motor vehicle
1750/2022 Police Rawle Antonio Blake 2 Latchman Fail to report accident
2581/2022 Police Renaldo Ruiz 2 Latchman causing of death by dangerous driving
2466/2022 Police Renaldo Ruiz 2 Latchman Breach of Insurance
2060/2022 Police Rickford McKenzie 2 Latchman Assault causing actual bodily harm
297/2022 Joan Rodrigues Robert 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
1146/2022 Police Romel Rampersaud 2 Latchman Careless Driving
256/2022 Natisha Fleming Royston Fleming 2 Latchman Maintenance
2052/2022 Police Ryan Gobin 2 Latchman Dangerous driving
580/2022 Lashay Saul Seon Grant 2 Scarce Liability
581/2022 Lashay Saul Seon Grant 1 Scarce Liability
60/2022 Police Shenika Johnson 1 Scarce Claims
59/2022 Police Shenika Johnson 1 Scarce Possession
1903/2022 Police Shivendra Ramraj 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
1732/2022 Police Standford Ford 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
1730/2022 Police Standford Ford 1 Scarce Acquiring Military stores
1380/2022 Police Steve Narine 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1734/2022 Police Tony Jerrick 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
1731/2022 Police Tony Jerrick 1 Scarce Robbery under arms
1740/2022 Police Tony Jerrick 1 Scarce Acquiring military stores
1787/2022 Police Trevor Chan 1 Scarce Sexual Assault
556/2022 Gwencia Samaroo c/d Gwencia Williams Winston Samaroo 1 Scarce Liability