GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-20

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
49/2023 Nally Persaud Savitri Mohamed 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
2610/2022 Police Sherwin Scipio 2 Latchman Assault
40/2023 Bibi Catejah Stephan DeFreitas 1 Scarce Affiliation
1073/2022 Police Stephen Braithwaite 1 Scarce Robbery underarms
179/2023 Police Victor Blackman 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
180/2023 Police Victor Blackman 1 Scarce Threatening Behaviour
51/2023 Tashana Francois Yonnick Collins 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
173 Police Abena Batson 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2191 Police Adrian Mentore 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2213/2022 Police Afraz Alli 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
2317/2022 Police Akeiva Marcus 1 Scarce Assault
129 Police Andre Ramcharran 2 Latchman Assault causing aciual bodily harm
1879 Police Anecia Cyrus 2 Latchman Using a computer system to harass and humiliate a person
2199/22 Police Anthony Morris 1 Scarce Possession of firearm without licienced
2435 Police Arun Kempadoo 2 Latchman Fail to produce licienced
2637 Police Augustine Klass 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous driving
2638 Police Brian Urline 1 Scarce Breach of protection order
657/2022 Latoya Hunte Calvin Marks 1 Scarce Liability
1702/22 Police Carlos De Santos Scarce Break and enter and larceny
2630 Police Chris Thomas 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
144 Police Christopher Norayan 1 Scarce Assault causing actual bodily harm
1 Bibi Rafik Dane Bobb 2 Latchman Possession
2 Bibi Rafik Dane Bobb 2 Latchman Claims
520/2022 Trinessa Greeman Daren John 2 Latchman Affiliation
509/510/22 Rudolph Caines Deno Giddings and Maxine Giddings 1 Scarce Domestic Voilence
1290/2022 Police Elfannando Newman 1 Scarce Larceny by public officer
702/2022 Zorena Khan Fitzroy Lowe 1 Latchman Maintenance
2218/2022 Police Floyd Archer 1 Scarce Assault
552/2022 Cherry ann Angoy Gary Layne 1 Scarce Maintenance
1170/2022 Police Harold Simmons 1 Scarce Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
2036/2022 Police Harry Lall 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
469-470 cejay woodsworth hermila woodsworth cindy woodsworth 2 Latchman domestic voilence
2428 Police jaigobin singh 2 Latchman carless driving
2884/2021 Police Jairam Lall 2 Latchman Provoke breach of the peace
1557/2022 Police Jamal Parris 1 Scarce Threatening Language
1558/2022 Police Jamal Parris 1 Scarce Abusive Language
2577/2578/22 Police Joel Witter Mark Khandai 1 Scarce Break and enter and lacerny
2217/2022 Police Jomaine King 1 Scarce Assault
2216/2022 Police Jomaine King 1 Scarce Threatening Language
29/2020 Police Joseph Hamilton 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
912/2022 Police Joshua Williams 1 Scarce Murder
2571/22 Police Keith Clarke 1 Scarce Making loud and continuos noise
51 Amanda Morrison Kelvin Morrison 2 Latchman Protection Order
174 Police Kerth James 2 Latchman Threatening Language
2234/2022 Police Kevin Batson aka Kevin Lawson c/d kero 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
1729/2022 Police Kevin Sydney 1 Scarce Larceny in a dwelling house
2024 Police Kirk Douglas 2 Latchman Carless Driving
676 Vanessa Raghu Kishore Antu 1 Scarce Affiliation
677 Vanessa Raghu Kishore Antu 1 Scarce Affiliation
645/2022 Kawattie Somwaru Krishan Roopnarine 1 Scarce Variation (Increase)
638/2021 Police Kristoff Stoll 1 Scarce Murder
147 Police Lamar Henry 1 Scarce Threatening Language
644/2022 Leona Richards Lenny Arthur 1 Scarce Variation (Increase)
47 Police Leon Burnette 2 Latchman Break and enter and larceny
252/2022 Police Leroy Clarke 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
15204/2019 Police Leroy Clarke 1 Scarce Threatening Behaviour
1483/2020 Police Leroy Clarke 1 Scarce Provoke breach of the peace
2558/2021 Police Leroy Clarke 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
2022 Police Leroy Mitchell 2 Latchman Carless driving
2023 Police Leroy Mitchell 2 Latchman Unlicienced motor vehile
471 Rosanna Jairam Mahendra Doonauth 2 Latchman Domestic Voilence
2423/2022 Police Marcine Newton 2 Latchman 0bscured id mark on motor vehicle
2220/22 Police Marlon Salvador 1 Scarce Provoke breach of peace
528/2022 Jeleson Butts Marvin Jeffery 1 Scarce Liability
2544/2022 Police Michael Alexander 1 Scarce Failing to brand animal
2545/2022 Police Michael Alexander 1 Scarce Suffering cattle to stray
84/2022 Bibi Deen Mustapha Deen 1 Scarce Possession
662/2022 Felicia Edwards Mutena Gilgeous 1 Scarce Liability
663/2022 Felicia Edwards Mutena Gilgeous 1 Scarce Liability
664/2022 Felicia Edwards Mutena Gilgeous 1 Scarce Liability
874/2022 Police Naiton Rodney 2 Latchman Felonious Wounding
2346/22 Police Protect Williams 1 Scarce Disorderly behaviour
833/2022 Police Ramlall Persaud 1 Scarce Abusive Language
836/2022 Police Ramlall Persaud 1 Scarce Exposure of the Genitals
831/2022 Police Ramlall Persaud 1 Scarce Throwing Missile
832/2022 Police Ramlall Persaud 1 Scarce Playing loud and continuous noise
126 Police Ramon Daniels 2 Latchman Indecent language
175 Police Robin Austin 2 Latchman Assault
2389 Police Rodwin Fernandes 2 Latchman Dangerous driving
2390 Police Rodwin Fernandes 2 Latchman Prohibition of tinted glass
2219/2022 Police Rondell Mitchell 1 Scarce Assault
2455/2021 Police Rondell Mitchell 1 Scarce Unlawful Wounding
2052/2022 Police Ryan Gobin 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
127 Police Shamir Barker 2 Latchman Abusive language
128 Police Shamir Barker 2 Latchman Assault causing actual bodily harm
1904 Police Shivendra Ramraj 2 Latchman Driving vehicle while alcohol level exceed the priscribe limit
1903 Police Shivendra Ramraj 2 Latchman Causing death by dangerous drving
2320/22 Police Swine Evans 1 Scarce Threatening Language
2316/2022 Police Teia McAlmont 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
503/2022 Sue Ann Bascom Troydel Williamson 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
145 Police Vanessa Rodrigues 1 Scarce Abusive language
146 Police Vanessa Rodrigues 1 Scarce Abusive language
551/2022 Devika Lalchan Vicky Bacchus 1 Scarce Affiliation
534/22 Carmalita Sampson Vishnu Singh 1 Scarce Variation increase
1847/2022 Police Winston Christioni 1 Scarce Abusive Language
9/2023 Seerayanie Danram Alisha Merriman 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
517/2022 Halim Baksh Althia Narine 1 Scarce Domestic Violence
518/2022 Erica Warde Anil James 1 Scarce Domestic violence
2553/2022 Police Anthony Sultan 1 Scarce Break and enter with intent
48/2023 Desia Frank Ashley Baveghems 1 Scarce Domestic Violence