GT Cases

List of Matters for hearing for 2024-09-20

CJ Complainant Defendant Court Room Magistrate Offence
2348/2022 Police Yyreek Bouyea 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
583/2023 Police Albert Williams 2 Latchman Suffering cattle to stray
4/2023 Pooran Timal Andrif Gillard 2 Latchman Possession
94/2022 Police Andrif Gillard 2 Latchman Inflicting Grevious Bodily Harm
3/2023 Pooran Timal Andrif Gillard 2 Latchman Claims
27/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
28/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
25/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
26/2023 Shevanie Daniels Anthony Boscom 1 Scarce Affiliation
532/2022 Police Brian Brown 1 Scarce Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
581/2023 Police Brian Morrison 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
79/2022 Reamona Urling Brian Urling 2 Latchman Variation (Increase)
1111/2022 Police Brian Urling 2 Latchman Breach of Protection Order
1112/2022 Police Brian Urling 2 Latchman Assault
2063/2022 Police Carson Vickerie 2 Latchman Careless Driving
1966/2022 Police Chandrika Mannie 2 Latchman Fraudulent Conversion
2633/2022 Police Clyton Chase 1 Scarce Simple Larceny
14454/2019 Police Dacwan Chapman 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
684/2020 Police Dacwan Chapman 1 Scarce Abduction
681/2020 Police Dacwan Chapman 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
681/2020 Police Dacwan Chapman 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
687/2020 Police Dacwan Chapman 1 Scarce Abduction
14443/2019 Police Dacwan Chapman 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
171/2023 Police Daveraj Ramlakhan 2 Latchman Break and Enter and Larceny
1624/2022 Police Dequan Daniels 2 Latchman Breach of Insurance
1622/2022 Police Dequan Daniels 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1625/2022 Police Dequan Daniels 2 Latchman Fail to render assistance to an injured person
1626/2022 Police Dequan Daniels 2 Latchman Fail to stop after accident
1623/2022 Police Dequan Daniels 2 Latchman Unlicensed Driver
1705/2022 Police Doman Swamy 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
1209/2022 Police Errol Webster 1 Scarce Making loud and continuous noise
1210/2022 Police Errol Webster 1 Scarce Making loud and contentious noise
582/2023 Police Flexion Pariek Rose 2 Latchman Careless Driving
14444/2019 Police Glenrick Ally 1 Latchman Robbery under Arms
14446/2020 Police Glenrick Ally 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
683/2020 Police Glenrick Ally 1 Scarce Abduction
14448/2019 Police Glenrick Ally 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
680/2020 Police Glenrick Ally 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
686/2020 Police Glenrick Ally 1 Scarce Abduction
1170/2022 Police Harold SImmons 1 Scarce Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
1862/2022 Police Harvey Mattis 1 Scarce Break and Enter and Larceny
2632/2022 Police Hose Isaacs 1 Scarce felonious Wounding
35/2023 Abrigail Harding Hubert Mickle 1 Scarce Affiliation
912/2022 Police Joshua Williams 1 Scarce Murder
602/2023 Police Karen Williams 1 Scarce Larceny by clerk or servant
2215/2022 Police Noah Yahshurarun 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
2214/2022 Police Omar Bacchus 2 Latchman Unlawful Wounding
601/2023 Police Patrina Butters 1 Scarce Larceny by clerk or servant
2239/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Resist Peace Officer
2241/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Assault Peace Officer
2240/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Disorderly Behaviour
2242/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Threatening Language
2237/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Threatening Language
2236/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Abusive Language
2238/2022 Police Peter Worrell 2 Latchman Abusive Language
130/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Possession of Ammunition without licence
133/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Threatening Behaviour
132/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Discharging a firearm within 100 yards of public
131/2023 Police Ravindra Ramdat 2 Latchman Possession of firearms without licence
311/2022 Brian Urling Reamona John Urling 2 Latchman Variation (Discharge)
2347/2022 Police Rickey Ramchandra 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2631/2022 Police Romel Khan 2 Latchman Robbery with Violence
584/2023 Police Rudolp Ogle 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
599/2023 Police Sanjay Singh 1 Scarce Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of traffic king
600/2023 Police Sanjay Singh 1 Scarce Possession of Ammunition without licence
1577/2022 Police Satesh Ally 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
2634/2022 Police Sherwin Scipio 1 Scarce Possession of Narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
94/2022 Somal Sahai Shevfern Allison Parris 2 Latchman Claims
597/2023 Police Stepffon Simmons 1 Scarce Threatening Language
598/2023 Police Stepffon Simmons 1 Scarce Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
1704/2022 Police Tahquille Johnson 2 Latchman Dangerous Driving
57/2023 Andrew McAlmont Tiffany Daniella Ramtahal 1 Scarce Affiliation
58/2023 Andrew McAlmont Tiffany Daniella Ramtahal 1 Scarce Affiliation
59/2023 Andrew McAlmont Tiffany Daniella Ramtahal 1 Scarce Affiliation
14445/2019 Police Travis Benjamin 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
682/2020 Police Travis Benjamin 1 Scarce Abduction
1447/2019 Police Travis Benjamin 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
679/2020 Police Travis Benjamin 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
685/2020 Police Travis Benjamin 1 Scarce Abduction
14442/2019 Police Travis Benjamin 1 Scarce Robbery under Arms
31/2023 Orlando Selman Tricia Cozier 1 Scarce Variation (Discharge)
1876/2022 Police Troy Griffith 2 Scarce Murder
595/2023 Police Wesley Tull 1 Scarce Abusive Language
596/2023 Police Wesley Tull 1 Scarce Breach of Protection Order
2396/2022 Police Allison Joseph 1 Scarce Abusive Language
39/2023 Lilotie Singh Anil McTurk 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
2636/2022 Police Anil McTurk 1 Scarce Larceny in dwelling house
2141/2021 Police Avinash Inshanally 1 Scarce Possession of narcotic for the purpose of trafficking
35/2023 Camille Nizamuddin Brian Thomas 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
622/2022 Police Candacy Sealey 2 Latchman Abusive Language
620/2022 Police Candacy Sealey 2 Latchman Assault
89/2023 Tiffany Sandiford Carlos Fraser 2 Latchman Liability
2500/2022 Police Christopher Cox 2 Latchman Breach of rule of the road
40/2023 Yolanda Ross Christopher Ross 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
33/2023 Kimberly Olivia Jones nee Abel Collis Bruce Osmond James 2 Latchman Domestic Violence
2448/2022 Shamla Douglas Commissioner of Police 2 Latchman Disposal of Property
577/2023 Police Daniel Phoenix 2 Latchman Assault
2395/2022 Police David Holder 1 Scarce Threatening Language
2322/2022 Police Denzil Melville 2 Latchman Transporting of live animal (birds) within Guyana
1/2023 Shellon Headley Devon Cantzlaar 2 Latchman Variation (Extension)